Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA): KDSwap is Working Towards Becoming a MiCA-Compliant DEX

Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA): KDSwap is Working Towards Becoming a MiCA-Compliant DEX
Drew Mailen

Drew Mailen

June 12, 2024

KDSwap is striving to become a MiCA-compliant decentralized exchange in Europe, and they are teaming up with Kadena to do so! In the following article we explore the future landscape of DeFi, why MiCA compliance is relevant, and details around KDSwap.

The Web3 Race for Institutional Investors in Europe

European markets have become increasingly important for institutional-focused financial services. Look no further than Robinhood’s recent acquisition of digital asset exchange Bitstamp, which holds licenses in registrations in European Nations like Italy, and the Netherlands, (Bloomberg) and other critical jurisdictions like Singapore and the UK.

Bitstamp has the institutional digital asset audience that Robinhood wants to target, and they were willing to spend $200M on it. The deal occurred months after Robinhood first offered crypto trading to clients in the EU in December 2023. The deal comes with the 85+ licenses that Bitstamp holds worldwide.

What is MiCA?

Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation is a set of rules by the European Union (EU) to oversee and manage digital assets. MiCA aims to protect investors and ensure stability in financial markets by creating clear and transparent guidelines for Web3 businesses.

What is KDSwap?

KDSwap is a gas-free decentralized exchange (DEX) built on Kadena. While KDSwap is working diligently to become MiCA-compliant, it is important to note that the platform has not yet achieved full compliance and is currently in the process of obtaining the necessary licenses and authorizations. This careful and deliberate approach ensures that KDSwap adheres to the highest legal compliance standards and market transparency.

What exactly is a decentralized exchange? What makes it different than a centralized exchange?

Centralized Exchanges (CEX)

The hallmark of centralized exchanges is how they act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers. Traditionally, they are an easy starting point for those new to decentralized assets. Beyond a reputation for being user-friendly and offering a robust range of fiat-to-crypto onramps, CEXs have obstacles.

A few pitfalls of centralized exchanges include:

  • Lack of self-custody options
  • Security risks
  • Downtime

Some well-known centralized exchanges include Coinbase, Robinhood, and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), where trillions of dollars are traded monthly.

Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)

The revolutionary approach of decentralized exchanges is that they’re peer-to-peer (P2P), where you essentially become your own personal bank by using the smart contracts programmed on a blockchain. By leveraging blockchain technology, decentralized finance can provide users with automated orders and settlements.

A few benefits of decentralized exchanges include:

  • Ability to transact 24/7
  • Participating in market-making through liquidity provision
  • Deciding on future plans through governance

Consequently, some downsides of a DEX are that they are often harder to use than centralized exchanges, have non-traditional customer support, and may only offer a lower amount of liquidity.

According to DeFi Llama, the current daily trading volume on DEXs at the time of this writing is $4.9B and $36.5B across the last seven days. Uniswap, Pancake Swap, and Orca are the leading DEXs in terms of traded volume. DeFi Llama lists 433 DEXs on its site that are currently online. However, only the top ~80 have a daily trading volume north of $1M. Ethereum, Solana, and Binance Smart Chain represent the leading chains regarding volume.

Percentage of total DEX market share

KDSwap’s Approach to Regulation Framework

One of KDSwap's primary objectives is to become a leading MiCA regulation-compliant DEX in Europe. According to ESMA, the MiCA institutes uniform EU market rules for crypto-assets. As Ernst & Young points out, financial institutions must make operational adjustments as the comprehensive framework will impact any platform with ties to European customers.

Some provisions for MiCA include:

  • Transparency
  • Disclosure (public information and conflict of interest)
  • Transaction supervision

MiCA compliance will be an increasingly hot topic as we move into 2025 and 2026, as financial service platforms must meet permit requirements by the July 2026 deadline.

Why Did KDSwap Build on Kadena?

KDSwap is currently focused on scaling its platform to become compliant but also envisions a long-term sustainability approach that’s supported by cutting-edge technology and robust legal frameworks.

Kadena’s smart contract language Pact offers an institutional-level security framework built on top of Chainweb’s braided chain architecture, which is essential for KDSwap's pool model.

KDSwap’s model relies heavily on Pact's ability to ensure the system's integrity against manipulation by potential bad actors. These security levels will open new avenues for technological advancements within the DeFi space.

Similar to other decentralized applications on Kadena, like Swarms Finance, KDSwap chose Kadena because of its gas stations — prepaid accounts that eliminate transaction costs to help reduce onboarding friction in DeFi.

What Makes KDSwap Different?

  • Commitment to MiCA Compliance: Aligning with regulatory standards to ensure legal security.
  • Reduced Impermanent Loss: Minimizing the risks associated with liquidity provision.
  • Higher Fee Revenue: Offering more substantial returns for liquidity providers.
  • Economic Sustainability: Creating an economic model for long-term success.
  • Governance Participation: Enabling active governance and participation for token holders.

The Future of KDSwap on Kadena

KDSwap is at the forefront of the decentralized finance (DeFi) revolution by striving to become a MiCA-compliant decentralized exchange in Europe. By leveraging Kadena’s secure smart contract language, Pact, KDSwap aims to ensure unmatched security, reduce impermanent loss, and offer higher fee revenue for liquidity providers.

The platform’s commitment to technological innovation, business sustainability, and legal compliance paves the way for a future where DeFi can thrive under robust regulatory frameworks. As KDSwap continues to grow, its focus on community engagement and transparent governance will undoubtedly shape the DeFi landscape on Kadena, making it a compelling choice for institutional and retail investors looking to navigate the evolving world of digital assets. Join KDSwap today and be part of the future of decentralized finance in Kadena!