Business Solutions


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Digitizing Assets

Tokenizing the issuance, management and distribution of financial assets offers a range of powerful business benefits, including faster settlement, lower operational costs, increased liquidity and reduced fraud risk thanks to full ownership transparency. It further improves global collateral mobility through easier cross-border transactions and opens up new revenue opportunities, like fractional ownership.

Use Cases

Public & Private Market Securities

Tokenization of public and private market securities enables fractional ownership, enhanced liquidity and easier transferability of traditionally illiquid assets such as stocks, bonds and equity.

Digital Currencies

Tokenizing digital currencies entails creating digital assets that represent fiat currencies on the blockchain, such as CBDCs or stablecoins — enabling faster, more secure and borderless transactions.

High-Quality Liquid Assets

Bringing high-quality liquid assets, such as government bonds or treasury bills, on-chain increases liquidity and accessibility while providing a stable, secure digital alternative for investors.

Features and Benefits

  • Operational Efficiencies

    Automate processes, reducing reliance on costly intermediaries. Make your ledgers interoperable, reducing settlement times.

  • Collateral Mobility

    Tokenize assets for faster trading and more immediate liquidity, and fractionalize them into smaller tradeable units.

  • New Revenue Streams

    Tokenize and fractionalize high-value assets, such as real estate, allowing many more investors to participate.

Insights From Kadena

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